Light and Dark
This month I have been doing some shadow work. Learning to harness the energy of the aspects of my...
Good Morning Sunshine!
GOOD MORNING! Hello Loves…. How did it go last...
I am extending an invitation this week…. I am...
Introducing Edith!
Well Hello Loves....said in my most sultry,...
Be Careful What You Wish For
Be Careful What you Wish for! I went and saw...
The Path
Your Path No matter which way it “looks”…...
You ARE Amazing
You Are Amazing! Do you ever have someone tell...
Owning vs. Keeping
Owning vs. Keeping This past weekend I decided I...
The Wait
The deer in the picture I shared with this post...
Where you stand…
Where you stand depends on where you sit. My...
Who gives a F…?!
WARNING: There is a LOT of the "f-word" used...
One Minute…
I am curious…. When is your next opportunity to...