Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!

Hello Loves!  It has been a hot minute. I will talk more about that in a future post, but today’s post is about celebrating ONE YEAR of getting Curious together! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CURIOUS MOVEMENTS!  I am so honored to be on this journey with you. I am so grateful...
Light and Dark

Light and Dark

This month I have been doing some shadow work. Learning to harness the energy of the aspects of my personality that are challenging. The dark to my light, if you will. My focus  has not been on letting go of these things, but rather asking myself “How can I look...
No Fs Given

No Fs Given

  Hello Loves!  Let’s talk about the F word! I say it. A LOT. That bothers some of you. I understand that. Here is the thing…. I invite you to be a little curious…. Why does an adult using a word with other adults (when kids are present I stay G-Rated) that is...
Because you are alive….

Because you are alive….

“Because you are alive, all things are possible.” – Thich Naht Hanh Hey loves…. There is a lot happening in our world. There are a lot of people who are hurting. When I don’t know what to say, I go silent, but silence isn’t curious....
New moon, eclipse and relationships

New moon, eclipse and relationships

Hey loves…it’s that time of the month…. no, not that time, but maybe it is for you, and then how wonderful that your cycle has synched with the moon’s cycle, and maybe there is something to explore there, but before I go down that rabbit...