Time is fleeting.

Time is racing.

Time is standing still.

Don’t “waste” time.

Time is such a curious thing. The way we conceptualize it. The value (or lack thereof) it holds for us. How the culture that we live in can shape it. The way it can creep when we are anticipating something…something fun like a vacation or something urgent like the person in front of us finishing in the bathroom. The way that it passes in a blink….it was yesterday that I was holding my first baby, who is as I type this, calling me from University. 

Zonkie is an on-time person…I have a more fluid experience of on-time…you may call it “time blindness”.  What this means is he is NEVER late no matter what,  and I am USUALLY late, even with my best efforts. Our relationship with time may be different but in our relationship with each other we had to find a way to get ourselves onto the same time signature. So I have, over time, adjusted to be more aware of the importance of being “on time” and he has learned that it is ok sometimes to NOT walk through the door 10 minutes before we are expected. It has been a challenging and rewarding experience for us both. 

As we are launching CM I am curious about the way time will flow through this process. It seems like the first part flew by and then there was A LOT of patience, waiting, breathing, wondering,  adding songs to my spotify playlist and dragging time. Then a few meetings and some amazing people getting excited and BAM it is back to flying again!

I am curious…. What is your relationship with time? Where can you find grace or structure in your management of time? While time zips by can you find the moments to dance, breathe,wonder? What are you spending your precious time on? I appreciate you using your time to ponder this with me here.  So many more questions, but I have to fly…so as to not be late. No matter what you do today…make time for YOU and space for joy! XO Lulu