WARNING: There is a LOT of the “f-word” used here….you can skip this one if that is bothersome to you, but maybe you can be a little curious and keep reading and maybe substitute your own word….frig, damn, crap, kitten.. you pick.  


If you haven’t gotten the chance to take a Curious Movement class you may not know that at the start of each class I ask everyone to leave all of their fucks outside. In this class you have none to give! You have none to give to yourself, none to  to the other people in the class with you, none to give to the world beyond the walls…NONE!  

Let me pause here and say that this is an extraordinary privilege, and I am very conscious of the fact that there are many people in this world that may have been deeply hurt by other people’s fucks and you are not about to surrender yours so easily….especially the ones that keep you safe. I am not asking you to STOP giving a fuck forever, I am asking you to take a break. Take a moment. Take THIS space and make it “give a fuck” free. I promise you can recollect them when you leave.

For this time we are together, I am inviting you to reconnect to something that you should be able to give all of your fucks to and that is making your journey the most authentic, amazing, whole, joyful life that you have showed up for! I am inviting you to give yourself permission to be curious…to try on something new, to laugh at yourself, to be in community with others in a new and unique way, to shed that which you no longer wish to carry, maybe pick up a sweaty hug …and if you NEED to pick it back up at the end it will be there, but the load may shift and your strength may grow and all of a sudden the fucks that were so important at the beginning of class can stay discarded because you no longer need them. You have more important fucks to give and no longer need be concerned with what others are doing with theirs. 

So when I invite you to leave your fucks at the door for class, it is an exercise. Where else in your life can you put the fucks away?! Where are they being wasted on things that are not serving your highest and best self?! Who is getting/giving them to you that you don’t want to?! When you free up the energy in your mind, body and soul from all of these fucks going around what amazing things will you then have the energy for?!  

Today I have one fuck* to give and I am giving it to you….I give a fuck that you are light and love wrapped in skin and I am here when you need to be reminded. XO LULU

(*If you used the word kitten to replace fuck, I am sorry I don’t actually have a kitten to give you, but if you hit me up in the comments I will send you a picture of one!)