The deer in the picture I shared with this post had just been born and was so vulnerable and new to this world and just waiting for their Mama to return. The time between, the WAIT, is one of trust and courage and the time to prepare for what comes next. For the deer it is the time to rest and gather strength, and for the Mama it was her time to get her needs met after giving birth so she can take care of her baby. What looks like nothing happening is actually a crucial step to make the future successful, and there is joy in this moment.

 This got me curious…. Where have we used the WAIT to postpone joy in the NOW?

 “I’ll take a day off when…..”, “I’ll invite people over when….”, “I’ll wear the bathing suit when…..”, “I will be happy when…..”

 All these sentences are usually completed with a goal that has been set, a carrot you are dangling, a plan to achieve a desired outcome with the idea that the outcome will bring you joy. Where I get a little lost is when I build the framework by setting a goal, make a plan to achieve it, but forget to include the joy in the journey between the wait and the goal. Without this it gets really comfortable to stay in the wait because the journey is just work. I am curious if instead of wait being followed by the postponement of joy, would we be more successful in our achieving our goals if the wait was followed by the connection to it?!

 Stop postponing feeling joy and DO one thing today to experience it. ONE THING! Feel your connection to the world around you and marvel at the wonder that is your human experience. Find the JOY in the wait! XO Lulu