Be Careful What you Wish for!

I went and saw Into the Woods, a spin on some fairytales with the twist that getting what you wish for may not always be what you want. Then I had a great conversation about if it is important to watch the things we say or if you do not have the power to control the universe. Which got me thinking about manifesting. 

So I’m curious about your thoughts on manifesting…

There is a lot of talk and many books, studies and even spotify playlists and daily calendars dedicated to the practice of manifesting. What is it? Well, as I understand it, it is using your energy to bring your thoughts, dreams or desires into reality.  I will preface all of this by saying that scientists will tell you that this is hogwash, hokum or snake-oil. I am a person who believes in science, with a dash of magic mixed in. So if you come at me with this is not strict science, I agree. Now that we have established that we can hold different truths in the same body/mind let’s move on.

Back to the manifesting. There are a myriad of ways that manifesting is done from vision boards, journaling, gratitude practices, living as if it has happened, to meditation, affirmations, and more but the principle is the same, you are focusing your energy and thoughts on attracting the outcome you want to happen and supporting that with your actions. Now there are those that apply these practices to things outside their direct control (outcomes of elections) and when the outcome isn’t what they wanted they say….”see! I told you it didn’t work!”. Well, I guess if we look at just those times when things didn’t go the way you wanted then you are right. However, I also say that just because you got a cavity, it does not mean that teeth brushing doesn’t work. 

This all sounds a little woo-woo…and we all know Lulu LOVES the woo-woo….so maybe you can be a little curious….. I explain it like the process of finding a home. When a person decides they want to move into a new home and starts the process of going to look at places they have a bunch of considerations….budget, size, location, setting. Then they start looking for something that is suitable, then they start going to see the places in person and sometimes will say “it just didn’t “feel” right or that place definitely “felt” like home. Where did those “feelings” come from. That is you manifesting! That is you turning your energy into a physical representation of your desires…even without realizing that is what you are doing!

So the next time you are going to go after something take a minute to get specific with what you want, maybe try speaking like it has already happened, notice and be curious about how when we align our thoughts and words it also impacts our actions. It is HARD to think and say that we love our life and then do things that make us miserable. Once we get consistent with the ways we think and speak about ourselves and our lives, it will quickly become evident the ways our actions need to change to support us. That part has a bunch of neurosciencey *totally a made up word* studies about habits and patterns and behavioral conditioning…..but in my science leaning, magic forward approach to life I say CHOOSE YOUR THOUGHTS AND WORDS WITH CARE SO THAT THE THINGS THAT YOU WISH FOR ARE ALWAYS THE THINGS THAT YOU WANT! Remember you are light, love and a bit of magic mixed in for good measure. What are you manifesting next? XO Lulu