I am extending an invitation this week…. I am asking you to try this on, and pay attention, notice…not judge…what happens when before EVERYTHING that you do you tell yourself (out loud if you can) I AM WORTH_______! I really want you to exhaust yourself on this one….

I am worth getting up early for my work out!

I am worth a healthy breakfast!

I am worth a pancake!

I am worth a hot/cold shower!

I am worth a quiet cup of ____!

I am worth fun undies!

I am worth doing my hair/makeup/skincare routine/throwing my hair in a messy bun!

I am worth a walk at lunchtime!

I am worth a healthy work boundary!

I am worth asking for help with the kids!

I am worth a clean house/bathroom/made bed!

I am worth respect at work/school/home/period!

I am worth loving!

I am worth a nap!

I am worth kindness!  

I am worth clean/folded/ignoring laundry!

I am worth the beautiful thing!

I am worth the space I occupy!

I am worth the silly indulgence!

I am worth financial stability/a budget!

I am worth the challenge!

I am worth the energy!

I am worth the time for fun!

I am worth the time with friends!

I am worth the chocolate/strawberries/carbs/protein/food as fun or fuel!

I am worth JOY!

I am worth the wait, the want and wanting more!

I am worth this basic need or frivolous fun find!

I am worth the stillness!

I am worth the beach day!

I am worth the fun sex/masturbating!

I am worth the stillness!

I am worth the good night’s rest!

I am worth the dreams!

I am worth not giving a f*ck and having no f*cks to give!


I could keep going….my hope is  that you keep going! Dig into your worth this week! For you the word may be DESERVE or ALLOWED if those words resonate more with you then use them. It is the internalized narrative that we are bringing into focus with this one. That narrative has been repeated in your conscious and sub/unconscious mind for a LONG time do it may surprise you when some simple things feel “fake”, “untrue” or “itchy” and you will definitely feel ridiculous…but can you also be curious?! Can you repeat it one more time, with one more thing. We RARELY tell ourselves that we are “ridiculous” when we are repeating our shit talk to ourselves. I want you to repeat this so many times that you are laughing and having fun with all of your worth or crying because it hits home that it is hard for you to feel worth toilet paper (side note: THAT IS OK!)! I am here if you need to be reminded…YOU ARE WORTH IT! Please share this with someone who may need this too! XO Lulu

 P.S. For your homework….grab a friend and shake your business to this one!
