Hello! Welcome to my curious world! I am so excited to be bringing Curious Movement to you! Here is where we are….

Step one….Live 47 years wondering about my life’s purpose, what brings me joy, who do I want to be, what do I want to do, am I enough, am I TOO much, is there something “special” that I have to offer the world, is that a squirrel?

Step two… Go for a yoga retreat with BFF and wonder all of these things with her. Then cry on the way home.

Step three… Through my tears realize that I don’t need the answers to these questions! I need to ask MORE questions!

Step four… AH-HA moment! I know what I want to do, what I want it to look like, that I am FILLED with joy when I do it, that I am totally enough, that am DEFINITELY TOO MUCH, and if I can bring you lightness, if I can free your smile, if I can open you up to your own joy through movement… THIS is my something special and that was definitely a squirrel.

Step five… Give myself the permission to develop my program and bring it to you!

Step six… Breathe…push…CURIOUS MOVEMENT is born! Website…check! Insta…check! FB…check! Email..check! Boring business creation stuff…Check! Focus group…check!

Step seven… WORLD WIDE CURIOUS MOVEMENT EXTRAVAGANZA…. ok, that may be step 1,000,473…but it is coming so buckle up kids because THIS is going to get FUN!

Be curious! XO Lulu

SO here we are….