“I want it and I want it NOW!” said in my best Verruca voice. Patience is a blessing and a curse!

 When embarking on an adventure there are a couple of different approaches. Some of us will have an idea, make a plan, make a list, brainstorm possible outcomes, make a new plan, make another list, think about the effects on others, consult a friend, make a new list, and so on. Some of us will get an idea, grab a bag, the dog, a water (staying hydrated is key), a snack, scribble a note, throw caution to the wind, and go for it! 

There are pluses and minuses to both. Being prepared is immensely beneficial, but it can paralyze you waiting for everything to be “perfect” (NOTE: it never is, was, or will be). Being spontaneous and diving right in can lead to things you haven’t even imagined are possible, but it can also mean that what could have been amazing if you had been even a little prepared crashes and burns. Depending on the adventure ahead you may find you are one way with some things and one way with others, and as with everything in life we usually fall into the “little bit of both” grey area.

While Zonkie and I were working on the website this morning and talking about timelines he had to pull me back from quitting my job to launch my first International Curious Tour (side note: I have just booked the first few classes so we’re not even close to this…yet!), and at first everything in me bristled. I am full steam ahead. I am on a roll. I am manifesting and I am doing it dammit! STOP…. breathe…. wonder…what if? What if by organizing the chaos the adventure will be so much more EPIC? What if we practice a little patience? As this adventure unfolds, we will both have moments of “I want it NOW!” and we will both have to talk each other off the ledge… and onto it. Most important part is we remember to be curious, be open, practice patience and when in doubt…shake the joy out.

I’m curious about how you practice patience. Which of these approaches is your leaning? Do you have to quiet the inner voice that says “NOW! NOW! NOW!”? Is it more soothing the nervous voice that says “Wait! Are you sure? Are you ready?”? What would it feel like if you tried it the other way? No matter which way you go…go with love and joy! XO Lulu