Hello Lovelies!

I have had some curious thoughts about limits this week…

One of the inspirations in bringing Curious Movement to life is the idea that the whole, unique and amazing self that is each of us as we grow becomes limited and by using breath, movement, and connection we can break through the limiting and get back to that wholeness.

The limiting comes from many inside and outside forces. It can come from people who love us or hate us or from sources that don’t even know us (think culture/media/etc.). It is the thoughts and actions that we take on as “who we are”, that leave us feeling less than, constrained, uncomfortable in our own minds and bodies. It is the adjustments we make to ourselves in order to  accommodate the comfort and joy of those around us. The becoming of who we are told/shown to be and who we truly are….good, bad and all the beautiful shades of gray in between!

Let me be very clear that I am not talking about boundaries that are in place to keep us safe and healthy. Boundaries are necessary! Limits…especially those that are meant to keep us from our true self, from accessing joy and love, from challenging ourselves to grow…this is what I am rallying against.  

Limits are the what we impose on ourselves. They are in the things we tell others “I am too….loud/quiet/big/small/bossy/lazy but, that is just who I am”. Maybe, you are not too anything. You may be loud/quiet/big/small/bossy/lazy…. but what if you were exactly the right amount?! What if…instead of looking outward to “fix” it you were able to look inside and free it?! What if you were able to trust what you know to be who you are and not who you have been told you are or who you “should” be.

I’m curious….what if instead of struggling to fit into our limited spaces you took a moment to BE what you are trying to limit? What if in that space you are able to make your insides match your outsides? What if you understood that the world is better because you…just you…wholly, beautifully, complete you… in this moment as you are…are in it?! What would that feel like?! Hug that person for me.  XO Lulu