The Woo-woo-Work….

 When I talk about Curious Movement, yoga, not drinking alcohol, magic, energy or whatever other non-fiction works I am reading (or listening to) for research or betterment I find there are a couple of recurring outcomes…

 1 – The person gets this arm crossed, pursed lipped derisive look and says something along the lines of “That’s all woo-woo and fun, but not real.”

 2 – They nod along and then their eyes kind of glaze over and they quickly change the subject.

3 – They reach out and hold my hand and say “YES! I feel like that/know that/have been reading about that/ too!”

For the 3s, this is going to be more reaffirming what you already connect with but be curious about what may offer a different way to access that. For my 2s, this is a challenge for you to stay open and present to things that you may be a little familiar with but have kept at the surface level because you want people to take you seriously, or you have tried things before, and the outcome wasn’t lasting or expected. For my 1s… Oh how I love my 1s… I ask you to be curious! Ask all the questions but hold your judgement until the end.  

We talk a lot about “doing the work”. If you want to succeed it is really about your attitude and effort. Attitude and effort, attitude and effort…. This is a mantra in my house. Something that has changed for me is that the work CAN BE FUN! Your mind…your beautiful, active, curious mind can help you to unlock this way of being. Let me give you an example…when I talk about energy and your own vibration… I ask, have you ever walked into a room and know before anyone said anything that two people were fighting or had a disagreement or were unhappy? Have you ever walked into a classroom and knew that a pop quiz was coming? When I talk about your energy that is what I am talking about. That is your energetic body being aware of the energy emanating from those around us. When you get excited, and that fluttery feeling moves through your body…that is your vibration. Same thing, but the way I know it to be is that all energy has a vibration and I can use that vibration to recognize where my energy is flowing. As I type this I have a static noise feeling in my body so I know that my energy is excited/nervous. You may be currently questioning your own sanity for reading this far, but my hunch is that if you have read this far it is because you too want to know how to use your awareness of your energy to your benefit.

My woo-woo-work is asking you to notice what you already “know”. As we grow and develop as the complex and amazing beings we are, the repeated exposure to stimulus (culture/family/social) begins to shape that energy and we can become more connected to the aspects of us that are receiving positive feedback and less connected to those that are receiving negative feedback and then turn this into a pattern. If I tell you every day that you are loved and beautiful, but because of the constant messaging you have received from the culture you live in you tell yourself you are ugly and un-lovable, the message of love is dismissed, because you “know” that it is false. What would happen if you questioned those thoughts as they happened….Try this…The next time you catch yourself expressing a negative or limiting belief about yourself…or better yet do it right now. I know you have one so what is it? Got it? OK… I want you to try and remember the first time you thought that? Do you really believe it or are you supposed to? Is this something you would say to the person you love most in this world? I want you to think about how many times you have repeated that same thing to yourself and wonder if you had thought the EXACT opposite thing what would that thought feel like. OK Now, try that new thought on…. Does it feel itchy? Fake? Unbelievable? What in that new thought is untrue? Is it untrue or have you fed yourself the negative thought so many times that you just need some time with the new one to make it feel comfortable? Can you do that…when the old thought/belief runs through your head can you call this new one forward and repeat it three times…drowning out the old and replacing it with the new? It will take time, but consider how many times have you told your self the same shitty thing over and over without even considering where it came from and if it is actually how you feel about it… do you believe that you are worth the effort of changing that? What would your life look like if at the heart and soul of your existence was joy, fun, connection, empathy and CHOOSING these things. I promise it is WAY MORE FUN to say good things to yourself…and when we start paying attention to our vibration and energy and using these tools, it transforms who we show up as in the world! What if you did the woo-woo-work?

Do I expect you to quit your life and head out on an exploratory journey to find your bliss? YES!… OK, maybe not….But before you go, maybe you can just try on being open to the idea that this whole thing is about choosing joy in this life, in this moment, and wonder…what if I have it already? XO Lulu