The Path

The Path

Your Path   No matter which way it “looks”… smooth and straight OR messy and convoluted…it is YOUR path and you will get there… wherever “there” is!   So, take a moment today…like now would be good since you aren’t doing anything else and just reading this…....
You ARE Amazing

You ARE Amazing

You Are Amazing! Do you ever have someone tell you something wonderful about yourself and you instantly start internally (or sometimes out loud) going through the laundry list of shitty things you have done in your life, from stealing lip gloss in 7th grade to lying...
Owning vs. Keeping

Owning vs. Keeping

Owning vs. Keeping This past weekend I decided I need to clear up some space. I was feeling summery, despite the never ending cold/rain and wanted to tap into that energy. As I pulled down a pile of sweaters and found myself feeling genuinely conflicted about which...
The Wait

The Wait

The deer in the picture I shared with this post had just been born and was so vulnerable and new to this world and just waiting for their Mama to return. The time between, the WAIT, is one of trust and courage and the time to prepare for what comes next. For the deer...
Where you stand…

Where you stand…

Where you stand depends on where you sit.    My college mentor told me that and it has always resonated with me. I have used this when traveling in other countries, when visiting other cultures within our own country, and I remind myself of this often when people are...