I am extending an invitation this week…. I am asking you to try this on, and pay attention, notice…not judge…what happens when before EVERYTHING that you do you tell yourself (out loud if you can) I AM WORTH_______! I really want you to exhaust yourself on this one…....
Introducing Edith!

Introducing Edith!

Well Hello Loves….said in my most sultry, smooth and soothing voice…..  I want to get curious about the VOICE that is in our heads and WHO it is that is talking to you disguising themselves as your voice. No, I’m not talking about “hearing...
Be Careful What You Wish For

Be Careful What You Wish For

Be Careful What you Wish for! I went and saw Into the Woods, a spin on some fairytales with the twist that getting what you wish for may not always be what you want. Then I had a great conversation about if it is important to watch the things we say or if you do not...
The Path

The Path

Your Path   No matter which way it “looks”… smooth and straight OR messy and convoluted…it is YOUR path and you will get there… wherever “there” is!   So, take a moment today…like now would be good since you aren’t doing anything else and just reading this…....
You ARE Amazing

You ARE Amazing

You Are Amazing! Do you ever have someone tell you something wonderful about yourself and you instantly start internally (or sometimes out loud) going through the laundry list of shitty things you have done in your life, from stealing lip gloss in 7th grade to lying...
Owning vs. Keeping

Owning vs. Keeping

Owning vs. Keeping This past weekend I decided I need to clear up some space. I was feeling summery, despite the never ending cold/rain and wanted to tap into that energy. As I pulled down a pile of sweaters and found myself feeling genuinely conflicted about which...