The Wait

The Wait

The deer in the picture I shared with this post had just been born and was so vulnerable and new to this world and just waiting for their Mama to return. The time between, the WAIT, is one of trust and courage and the time to prepare for what comes next. For the deer...
Where you stand…

Where you stand…

Where you stand depends on where you sit.    My college mentor told me that and it has always resonated with me. I have used this when traveling in other countries, when visiting other cultures within our own country, and I remind myself of this often when people are...
Who gives a F…?!

Who gives a F…?!

WARNING: There is a LOT of the “f-word” used here….you can skip this one if that is bothersome to you, but maybe you can be a little curious and keep reading and maybe substitute your own word….frig, damn, crap, kitten.. you pick.     If...
One Minute…

One Minute…

I am curious…. When is your next opportunity to make a great choice? Why not right this minute?  If you are reading this take the next 1 minute…..WAIT…for all my smart asses: I am going to ask you to close your eyes, but read this first (wink, wink). For the next 1...


The Woo-woo-Work….  When I talk about Curious Movement, yoga, not drinking alcohol, magic, energy or whatever other non-fiction works I am reading (or listening to) for research or betterment I find there are a couple of recurring outcomes…  1 – The person gets this...
What if?

What if?

Good Morning Sunshine! Get a cup of something nice and settle in…. I set a reading goal at the beginning of the year to read 50 books. I count audio books as well as physical books and have learned something very important about myself. I am part of a book club and...