“I am not who I was yesterday, or become yet who I will be tomorrow.”

Hello Loves…. Here we are finding ourselves with summer wrapping up, kiddos heading back to school (in the Northeast at least), a second Full Moon this month, and I am having all of the feelings as I move from one season to the next. September is a month that I like to check in with where I am in the year…What is working? What is not? What do I need to add? What do I need to lose? So as I do this little inventory and decide what I am going to be attracting/manifesting, expressing gratitude for, and creating space for, I come back to one of my favorite intentions….”I am not who I was yesterday, or become yet who I will be tomorrow.” As my kids head off to school, I encourage them to remember this…and since they don’t listen to anything I say because I am just Mom and what do I know?!…I share this today with you. If you’ve been following along you may have figured out that I like to chase rabbits down many different holes…. Or take these simple phrases and try them on in all different ways. This intention is no different and I will share some of my thoughts about it, and really encourage you to share your perspective too!First, I love the reminder that we do not have to stay who we were… and we also can aspire to be different tomorrow. Who we are has been shaped by who we have TOLD ourselves we are…so if you keep finding yourself attracted to “something that isn’t you”…TRY IT? It can be simple or fun things , or this can be the way you are walking in this world.  How often do we allow ourselves to be held to a destructive pattern “because that is who you are!”?! I know I did. How often did we stay in the cycle of xxx, shame, guilt, hurt, xxx, shame, guilt, hurt… xxx can be whatever your “thing” is…alcohol/sugar/perfectionism/overspending/overextending/fill in your “thing” here. You may have more than one thing, and that’s ok, sometimes I feel like I have all of them! I think the key is to be curious about the cycle and  I like that this reminds us that we do not have to STAY that person and can choose to be different in this moment. It also keeps our growth mindset moving us forward by asking “How are your habits/routines supporting who you want to become tomorrow?”This intention also reminds me of the old “Frosty the Snowman” animated movie… whenever he lost his magic hat and it was returned to him he would come to life and say “Happy Birthday!” This is kind of like that…. Each new day is a fresh opportunity and as corny as it sounds there is is something to be said for being corny and giddy and light and FUN! There is nothing that says you have to be miserable on your journey…even if it is hard! So if you are embarking on something new, contemplating a different way, or hitting your own reset button for fall… “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” Today you get to decide who you are going to be and where you want the path to go and what you are going to do to get there. I hope you get curious about how to incorporate fun, silliness, play and joy…those are as important as the work…and bring us along!One other thought that I had about this intention is the recognition that the person you were in your past is the person who summoned the courage and strength to become who you are today. I know that I often look back at her with not the kindest eyes. Three years ago today I decided that I will no longer drink alcohol, the person I had become (through my routines/habits/thoughts/actions…wink, wink…see what I did there?!) was not someone that I was always super proud of…. But it was HER that chose this path and clawed herself out of the hole and did the work to get me here and I know that future me will look back at THIS moment and be so thankful that I did the work to become her…and so on and so on. So please take a moment and tell yourself (like right now) “I love you”… because tomorrow’s you has her to thank.  I will repeat it again…. you cannot hate yourself into the life that you want,  this life is a gift for someone you love.  Each of you had to love yourself enough to get to here, and I hope this reminds you to keep loving yourself to beyond what you knew you could be when you embarked on your journey. I believe in you….yesterday, today and tomorrow.  XO





















































































“I am not who I was yesterday, or become yet who I will be tomorrow.”

Hello Loves…. Here we are finding ourselves with summer wrapping up, kiddos heading back to school (in the Northeast at least), a second Full Moon this month, and I am having all of the feelings as I move from one season to the next. September is a month that I like to check in with where I am in the year…What is working? What is not? What do I need to add? What do I need to lose? So as I do this little inventory and decide what I am going to be attracting/manifesting, expressing gratitude for, and creating space for joy, I come back to one of my favorite intentions: If you’ve been following along you may have figured out that I like to chase rabbits down many different holes…. Or take these simple phrases and try them on in all different ways. This intention is no different and I will share some of my thoughts about it, and really encourage you to share your perspective too!First, I love the reminder that we do not have to stay who we were… and we also can aspire to be different tomorrow. How often do we allow ourselves to be held to a destructive pattern “because that is who you are!”?! I know I did. How often did we stay in the cycle of xxx, shame, guilt, hurt, xxx, shame, guilt, hurt… xxx can be whatever your “thing” is…alcohol/sugar/perfectionism/overspending/overextending/fill in your “thing” here. You may have more than one thing, and that’s ok, sometimes I feel like I have all of them! I think the key is to be curious about the cycle and  I like that this reminds us that we do not have to STAY that person and can choose to be different in this moment. It also keeps our growth mindset moving us forward by asking “How are your habits/routines supporting who you want to become tomorrow?”This intention also reminds me of the old “Frosty the Snowman” animated movie… whenever he lost his magic hat and it was returned to him he would come to life and say “Happy Birthday!” This is kind of like that…. Each new day is a fresh opportunity and as corny as it sounds there is is something to be said for being corny and giddy and light and FUN about a reset! There is nothing that says you have to be miserable on your journey!One other thought that I had about this intention is the recognition that the person you were in your past is the person who summoned the courage and strength to become who you are today. I know that I often look back at her with not the kindest eyes. The person I had become (through my routines/habits/thoughts/actions…wink, wink…see what I did there?!) was not someone that I was super proud of…. But it was HER that chose the path and clawed herself out of the hole and did the work to get me here and I know that future me will look back at THIS moment and be so thankful that I did the work to become her…and so on and so on. I will repeat it again…. you cannot hate yourself into the life that you want,  this life is a gift for someone you love. Each of you had to love yourself enough to get here, and I hope this reminds you to keep loving yourself to beyond what you knew you could be when you embarked on this journey. I believe in you. XO