I get by with a little help from my friends…..

I get by with a little help from my friends…..

Hey Friends…. DON’T LET PERFECT STOP YOU FROM BEING GOOD! This is a favorite of mine, and I am going to get curious about how this shows up in our lives in so many ways… today I am talking about friends or connections and there will be more so stay tuned for when this...
A little New Moon Magic….

A little New Moon Magic….

Hello Loves…. Today is the new moon in Virgo. For all of you who just gave me a big eye-roll and said HOKUM! I am so proud of you for still being here and following along this far! (Yes, I am looking at you Zonk). Honestly, I sat with this musing and was questioning...
When the grass is greener….

When the grass is greener….

When the grass is greener, I tend my own yard.  Good Morning Loves….I love to scroll through social and see what everyone is doing and cheering on a friend’s success, hearting the kiddos “first day of school”, WOW for a friend who is jumping out of a...


“I am not who I was yesterday, or become yet who I will be tomorrow.” Hello Loves…. Here we are finding ourselves with summer wrapping up, kiddos heading back to school (in the Northeast at least), a second Full Moon this month, and I am having all of the...
The Gooey Part

The Gooey Part

Hello Loves…. I was listening to someone talk the other day and they were talking about transitions and specifically the transition from caterpillar to butterfly. The caterpillar knows when it is time and makes the cocoon and goes in and then transforms into a...
Good Morning Sunshine!

Good Morning Sunshine!

GOOD MORNING!  Hello Loves…. How did it go last week?! Were you able to get curious about your worth?   Do you know what I did today? I got up and moved through my morning ritual, and then paused and smiled and gave myself a little “Mel Robbin’s hi-five”!  “What is...